4665 West Fourth Street

  • Windsor Square Tract 1390; westerly 60' of Lot 144
  • Built in 1961; BP issued 8-30-1961; C of O issued 3-19-1962
  • Original commissioners: Mrs. and Mrs. William A. Cotterill
  • Builder: William A. Lundeberg as second house on Lot 144; see also 355 South Irving Boulevard

4857 West Fourth Street

  • Tract 2136 addition to Windsor Square; westerly 70' of Lot 40
  • Built in 1964; BP for house and attached garage issued 10-25-1963
  • Original commissioner: William B. Coberly Jr.
  • Architect: Paul S. Wuesthoff
  • The building parcel was a subdivision of a lot originally occupied by a single residence that had been built on Western Avenue circa 1912 and moved to the corner in 1922; it was the first 355 South Lucerne Boulevard, replaced at the time that 4857 West Fourth was built

4763 West Fifth Street

  • Tract 2136 addition to Windsor Square; an irregular lot including the westerly 60.7' of Lot 48 and the westerly 43.24' of the southerly 30' of Lot 47
  • Apparently built circa 1922 as an outbuilding on property then connected to 448 South Arden Boulevard and, circa 1954, remodeled into a separate residence by real estate operator Loomis Johnson, who was then living at 540 South Lucerne Boulevard; see also 459 South Lucerne Boulevard

4518 West Sixth Street

  • Wilshire Heights Tract 1476 addition to Windsor Square; easterly 55.43' of Lot 5
  • Built in 1957; BP for single-story house and attached garage issued 5-23-1957
  • Original commissioners: Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lundeberg for resale
  • Contractor: William A. Lundeberg & Son
  • 4518 West Sixth Street is the second of three houses built by developer William A. Lundeberg on Lot 5, which he bought and subdivided after demolishing the original residence at 602 South Lucerne Boulevard; see also 606 South Lucerne Boulevard
  • A second story was added to the original house in 1992; BP issued 6-18-1992 

4521 West Sixth Street

  • Wilshire Heights Tract 1476 addition to Windsor Square; easterly 50' of Lot 50
  • Built in 1920
  • While building permits are not currently available, this cottage appears to have been built by an owner of 540 South Lucerne Boulevard; vintage real estate maps indicate that the property of that address once included the entirety of Lot 50 at the northeast corner of Lucerne and Sixth Street. In a subdivision circa 1940, a northerly 23'-by-191' strip of the original 108'-by-191' Lot 50 remained with Lot 49 (540 South Lucerne); a new house was built on the separate 85'-by-141' parcel of a new Lot 50 (550 South Lucerne), with the 1920 cottage on Lot 50's easterly 50' parcel now being designated 4521 West Sixth street

4618 West Sixth Street

  • Wilshire Heights Tract 1476 addition to Windsor Square; the westerly 50' of Lot 11
  • Built in 1938; BPs for house and garage issued 3-21-1938
  • Original commissioner: Irving Siegel, president of the Surety Building & Finance Company, as his own home
  • Architect: W. George Lutzi
  • Contractor: Surety Building & Finance Company
  • 4618 West Sixth Street and 604 and 606 South Arden Boulevard, also designed by W. George Lutzi and built by Siegel's firm, were on parcels subdivided from the original Lot 11, apparently a corner not previously built upon
  • Irving Siegel and his wife Mildred would move to 400 South June Street in 1947

4619 West Sixth Street

  • Wilshire Heights Tract 1476 addition to Windsor Square; the easterly 60' of Lot 36
  • Built in 1952; BP for house and attached garage issued 4-28-1952
  • Original commissioner: Anna Niemann
  • Builder: Daniel J. Thomas & Son
  • Newspaper distributor and real estate investor Frederick B. Hesse purchased the entire never-built-upon Lot 36 to build two houses; in addition to his own at 550 South Arden Boulevard, he was issued a BP on the same day in the name of his widowed mother-in-law, Anna Niemann, to build 4619 West Sixth Street. Mr. and Mrs. Hesse and Mrs. Neimann left their houses in 1956

4664 West Sixth Street

  • Wilshire Heights Tract 1476 addition to Windsor Square; the westerly 65' of Lot 22
  • Built in 1951; BPs for house and garage issued 9-8-1950
  • Original commissioner: women's clothier Herbert L. Deichert
  • Contractor: Walter H. Haigh
  • Lot 22, never before built upon, was subdivided in 1950; occupying the easterly 115' is 601 South Arden Boulevard, built concurrently with 4664
  • Still living at 4664, Mrs. Deichert, née Cleo Bernice Denney Graves, died in Los Angeles on 6-24-1969. Herbert Deichert remained in the house for at least the next few years; he died in Los Angeles on 3-24-1977

Illustrations: Private Collection